Friday, December 27, 2019

Review Of Jane Eyre - 764 Words

Jane. That’s all he could think about. With her long brown hair and fair, pale skin. Eyes dark as night, smile bright as day. He crouched down in a fetal position, hands wrapped around her still, cold body. His eyelids covering his dull, grey eyes, forehead lay against the old wooden floor. â€Å"You look so beautiful sweetheart. Like always.† Voice scratchy and tired, cheek pressed against her lifeless face. She was his life, his soul. His mind so full of her, he had forgotten his own name. For he had loved the way it rolled off her tongue. â€Å"William†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The way she would smile after calling for him. Spending his days reminiscing about her long, strawberry-blonde hair that now appeared a rufous, copper color. Midnight eyes that stared†¦show more content†¦But what really went on in that dark, unwelcoming fortress, most seem to question. For if what was happening were to be revealed, the town would cower in fear and flee. Madness. This is what has taken over my life. The full moon enveloping me with it’s cold rays, taunting me. She loved the moon, how its rays would cover her hour-glass like body, illuminating her once strawberry-blonde hair. For it was the moon that had taken her away from me, ripping her out of my reach. Stealing her soul. Her beautiful, warm soul. My eyebrows knit together, lips grimacing at the sudden thought. My rough fingers pulled at the ends of my lifeless hair. I must bring her back, bring her back. â€Å"William,† A voice echoed. My head shot up at the voice. So gentle. I rose my head, tired eyes scanning the vacant room. â€Å"Jane, is that you my love,† I called out. No answer. Letting out a deep sigh, I picked myself up, my tall frail figure barely able to stand. Then I heard it again. â€Å"William†¦Ã¢â‚¬  My body turned towards the voice. My eyes met with my reflection’s, placing my hands on the sides of my face, I stared in dismay. For that’s when I saw her, lustering, midnight orbs staring into mine. Her plump lips curved into a smile, nodding at what seemed to be my helpless state. Her hand rested on my shoulder. Turning to meet her eyes I could not see, for she was a mere reflection. â€Å"Please William,† she whispered against my ear. Shivers traveled through my body. I

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